
Showing posts from October, 2019

Feedback on Music Video

In order to improve my music video I'm going to make alterations to it that will help suit the specification and demographic better. These will include adding more detailed shots to my video to make it more easily understandable from the audiences prospective; re-shooting some shots so that they are clearer and editing some of the footage so it fits better with the audio features. - For the first minute of my video, it consisted of my characters stood underneath a lamppost. In order to improve this I'm going to add in more shots of pictures being sketched in order to prevail the emotions the character are feeling throughout the music video. Similarly, its important that i use more close ups of the characters, this will help introduce feeling and emotions. Moreover, I'm going to include in certain scenes, elements of lip-syncing. This will add more character to my video. - At 1:26, I need to change the way i have edited that scene in that instead of having 2 shots side b

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