My 'Perfect' Audience Member

My Perfect Audience Member

My audience member will wear predominately vibrant coloured clothing to correspond to the message that my artist prevails. The message of being happy even when times get tough will show in what they wear. My audience member will also wear quite a bit of jewellery of any sort as it will symbolise sentimental value to that persons life e.g. a cross to show that they are religious. 

Music Tastes: 
My perfect audience member will listen to any type of music that is up beat and involves lyrics which coincide with that person life or any relations that they can make. The reasoning is that the lyrics portrayed by my artist will appeal to its audience on a more personal level. 


Experiencers - To fit with my young demographic i believe its fits well with this category as it similarly states that they are impulsive, this links with my artist as they aim to promote doing what makes you happy without thinking about the circumstances beforehand. 

Young and Rubicam

The Explorer - The reason I have chosen this is because i believe it fits in with what my artist is trying to promote and the hidden message behind it whereas the younger generation are yet to explore themselves and they are yet to access certain feelings and emotions. Moreover, the fact that it defines as they wish to seek out difference similarly corresponds to what the message is. The lyrics within the song symbolises the idea that everyone experiences the same things in life but its the people who see beyond the negative things who become the strongest.

MOSAIC profiling

Suburban Comfort - The fact my demographic fits in within this category and specifically the 'moderate income' suggests that the audience are modest as they would be living a standard lifestyle implying that they will be true to themselves and would be more respectful to people less fortunate. This sculpts my perfect audience member as they would be non judgemental and appreciative.



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