Plan for Images/ AV Content

Image 1

My first image will be a portrait shot of my male character, this will be taken in the form of a medium close up shot. This therefore distributes to the audience knowledge of what the artist looks like and can similarly connect the artist to the viewers on a more personal level. This shot will be used in both the music video and the website. This specific type of shot will help to 
show detail and it can moreover emphasises my artists emotional state.

Image 2

My second image will also come from my music video in that it will come from the scene involving the dark alley way. This will be a medium long shot of the female character with her back to the camera. 
This long shot will help emphasise the body language of the character and the surrounding area. This adds a dramatic effect as it adds an essence of mystery to not only the music video but also the website. It can leave the audience asking many questions which will resultantly keep the viewers enticed. 

Image 3

My third image will come in the form of a panoramic shot of one of the locations within my video, the image will consist of a rural landscape in which I aim to capture the beauty of the area whilst using a horizontally elongated field of view. This will correspond to the feeling I aim to create within the music video/ lyrics. 

Image 4 

My final shot is going to be of arguably the most important prop I'm going to use, the paper heart signifies the idea that everyone's heart is the same no matter what differences or variables are involved with different people. It will be a close up shot of one of my characters holding up the heart in the direct view of the camera, this therefore entices the viewers into feeling more involved with the music video and website as it offers a degree of direct communication.

AV Content 

I also plan to make a question and answer video to give my audience a greater insight into the precise planning and effort which goes into making an intricate music video. I will ask the audience to send me questions about Lil Burg or specifically the music video, and he will  record himself answering the questions honestly. This will be viewed on my website along with tour dates, links to social media and a variety of images. 



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