Plot Blocking Graph

The overall idea behind my block graph is to show to differentiation between the levels of drama within my music video. As show in this graph; I have split my graph into different timing, then by using the graph I have shown whether the drama increases or decreases as the video progresses. Similarly, I have drawn a trend line on my graph which suggests that as the video progresses the drama increases. This I believe fits with the beat and rhythm the song possesses. For each of the times phrases shown above, I have planned out a brief synopsis of what is going to happen in each time slot. This planning is also going to include locations and the type of camera shot. (20+ secs) in this scene I’m going to have the initial introduction of my characters, the way it will be set out is that I will have both my characters standing in a dark alley way with their back to the camera. This scene is going to be filmed in medium shot from a far distance. Moreover, these scenes will be filmed at night when it is sufficiently dark, this adds a dramatic effect to the shots I’m going to film.
(40+ secs) in this time phrase I’m going to be filming the full introduction to the characters whereas the audience will get the first look at what the characters look like. It will be filmed in the same location however the two will be facing the camera. (1 min+) this will be a side by side shot of the characters next to each other, the idea of this shot is to show the similarities, for examples their features, between the two characters. This therefore fits in with the hidden message my music video is trying to prevail. (1min20secs+) this is the scene where the paper heart plays a crucial role, both character will pull out the heart from their inside pocket and hold it towards the camera. The camera will then zoom into the heart and as it zooms back out there will be a transition to a new location. This is the first change of location, there will be a transition from the urban area to a rural area. This transition will start in the sky and will lower to a shot of the two characters walking to the new location. Both characters will approach from different areas. (1min40secs+) panoramic shots of the location, shots which signify the beauty of nature; for example: rivers, woodland areas, hills. (2mins+) Continued shots of the character walking along different paths, combination of high, low, medium. (2min20secs+) characters finally meet at the top of the hill after their paths intertwine. It will be filmed from a long distance away. Close up shot of characters connecting both the paper hearts, to signify a similarity and reinforcing the non-stereotypical idea about genders being different and unequal.
(2min40secs+) over the shoulder shot of the characters standing next to each other looking into the distance, panoramic shot of the location. (3mins) ending credits including the production company logo and name.


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