Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent 

Music Video
For my music video I aim to express the feelings and emotions portrayed by my selected song, through the extensive use of media language and techniques in order to entice
viewers into having the feeling of escapism. The techniques I will be using will help me to appeal to my target demographic of 16-25 year old. In this I hope to reflect the music community by suggesting that music can access emotions which are thought to be inaccessible. This will be symbolised by the iconography of the characters pulling out a paper heart which suggests once the heart is removed its enables the characters to easily see what feeling can be accessed by looking at what is hidden beneath the surface. To fit the concept of a typical pop song, I will include a 'pop star' who will be the main distributor of setting the tone to the music video; implementing a fun and entertaining atmosphere created whilst watching the video. To achieve this I'm going to use mise-en-scene of urban/rural lifestyle to reflect the idea of conscious escapism. The setting of my music video is going based in urban areas including alley ways, streets and essences of rural areas. I am to make a dramatised video involving two characters (male and female) which i plan to reduce any stereotypical references by suggesting that both genders experience similar feeling and that there is not a dominant gender. The way in which my music video will be set out is that I aim to portray the contrast between dark and light, in which the main stream colours for my music video will predominantly be a dark over tone but as the music video progresses more colour will be implemented into the surroundings. This will therefore infer the battle between dark and light which will correspond to the feelings of happiness and sadness. The overall, message I wish to present is that everyone experiences a differentiation of feelings through out life, but all things have happiness riddled within them. My editing will overcast the emotions created by the songs, specifically the lyrics, whilst the photogenic visuals will constitute the sentimental values that music can create. 

For my artists website I aim to convey all the media conventions and language codes of a typically web design; this will include the artists logos, the record labels logo as well as an menu bar which will achieve a more ergonomic outcome for viewers who are interested in finding out more about the artist/song. The menu bar at the top of my page will include tabs such as 'home', 'about' and potentially 'tour'. I feel the most important aspect of a artists succession is through social media; therefore, i aim to put great care into the social media aspect of my website. Having links to social media account present on my website offers interactivity and gives viewers the chance to communicate with the artist/producers  in order to give constructive criticism. This moreover, corresponds to my demographic of 16-25 year olds as in this day and age the media plays a crucial part in ones recognition. Furthermore,
the use of the store tab enables viewers to feel closer with their favourite artist opens a universal window to a variation of viewers which can use the store to purchase merchandise as a show of support and appreciation. In addition to, the use of the biography will enable any viewers to learn more about the artist and can implement an essence of personal connection between distributor and viewers. I will similarly have a tab for updated and breaking news on the artist including: tour dates, music releases and album covers. These updates would be regularly changed if the website was active and was real, this shows an immediacy to keep fans/viewers happy. I also plan to make a question and answer video to give my audience a greater insight into the precise planning and effort which goes into making an intricate music video. Finally, I plan to have exaggerated representational images of the artist to integrate the feeling of urgency to keep viewers intrigued
. Due to institutional contexts these images would be regularly updated once a new song/album has been released to keep my website entertaining. 

It's important that both my website and my music video share the same features, therefore I'm going to ensure that they have similar branding for the intended audience. One of the first ways in which I'm going to be doing this is through using the same colour scheme (dark colours with bright colours to add effect which corresponds to my video message) and similarly the same logos/images projected on the website as the video. Furthermore, I will be using similar techniques in both to help keep my directed audience intrigued for example the words and images used. The use of social media within my website will show my knowledge of digital convergence as it will allow my audience to interact with the artist/producers through pages such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.         


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